Religions & Limit to Freedom of Choice || Younus AlGohar

2016-02-07 8

HH Younus AlGohar discusses the limitations and privileges that God has set for humanity.

Main points:

- The three Abrahamic faiths seem to mandate very strict laws. People who enjoy freedom don't like it. It is importance to understand that God is the creator and he gives humans both restrictions and privileges.

- Rewards given by God can be divided into three categories: rewards given in this life, rewards in the paradise and rewards in form of his love and nearness. Rewards that bring one closer to God are for elite ones, rewards in paradise are for the religious devout and rewards of this world are given to people who chose them in the Primordial Time. Some of God's elite enjoy rewards from all three categories.

- In religions, there's no freedom. People who choose luxuries of this world and don't believe in God hate to be controlled by any divine law. Those who follow a religion must follow the divine law.

- As a wife or husband, your freedom is limited. If you have a relationship with God, you should expect restrictions & discipline also.

- No religion is bad, but when people manipulate and fiddle with the meaning, wrong interpretations start to hurt people and create doubts.

- Some demand freedom in all aspects, but freedom of choice should have a limit, where you don't hurt others or deprive them of their freedoms. We already have limitations on freedom, such as parental controls.